Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back to school bliss

It's finally here! The kids went back to school on September 10, and I'm discovering the joy of having a complete thought without being interrupted! Just to make sure, I disconnected the phone all morning just so I could accomplish getting all the laundry downstairs on the same day and into the washing machine without piling up on the floor like it usually does.
Of course, having an empty house can be bitter-sweet. No more meeting Lindsey at the bus stop at lunch time and listening to her little chatter about her day over peanut butter sandwiches. But I still get to see everyone later on, so the silence doesn't last forever.
Now it's time to work off the lovely 8 pounds I gained this summer!


Becky said...

Yippee! A new post! Good job, Kel! It is SOOOO nice to have complete thoughts during the day. And a cleaner house to boot! Makes me wonder why on earth a mom would ever home school her own kids . . . scary thought!

Becky said...

Uh, Kel, not to put the pressure on you or anything, but do you think you could do a new post once in awhile?

Kelly Bakes said...

Alright, the pressure worked! I'll do a new one right now.