Saturday, August 11, 2007

Back from the West

Hi everyone! This is our very first post on our very first blog page. We were so inspired by Aunty Becky that we just had to give it a try! Anyway, due to such a shortage of free time, this whole blog thing might be short lived.
We headed west July 18 and landed in Salt Lake City, Utah for 10 days where we had a blast visiting friends and family and enjoying the 100+ temps. Then we headed north to Spokane, Washington for a 3-day family reunion (see pics). It was great to reconnect with everyone and try out Uncle Monty's new seadoo. Going 60 mph in 4 seconds is quite the experience! We flew home Aug. 4th to New Jersey and marvelled at just how green New Jersey is!
We headed back to JFK to pick up Kelsie the next morning, who had been in Peru for the past 5 weeks. She immerged from customs smiling and waving but noticeably thinner. She also had a certain odor due to only taking 7 showers in 5 weeks! Needless to say her morning prep time in the bathroom has dramatically cut in half, which is nice. We'll tell you all about her trip on another blog. Let's just say she hasn't looked at a guinea pig the same way since.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Woo hoo! You did it! You got a blog! I'm so darned proud. You'd better promise to keep updating it because I'm going to link yours to mine so I can check up on you!
Kelsie, 7 showers in five weeks...? So glad you are back and within proximity of a bathtub!
Keep up the posting! :)